Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring has sprung... kind of!

It's so nice that Jameson can now get out and ride. Especially on such a "sweet" bike (his word). Here are pics of Jamo riding in Nana & Papa's driveway - his favorite haunt. Finally, we are no longer stuck inside, waiting out the winter!

Here is an example of how Jameson falls asleep after playing outside all day, and of Georgie. I guess even Amazing Grand Dogs need their rest after a day in the spring sunshine.


Andrew Courtright said...

too cute!

Heather :) said...

Is that a John Deer bike? It is sweet :)

Erin said...

Well - it's the John Deer colors, but not actually that brand. It was a hand-me-down from a friend, and Jamo LOVES it!