Monday, March 30, 2009

A Hard Loss

Last night I found out that a former co-worker, single mom, and aquaintance, had lost her six-year-old son to a freak accident. This is really hitting home for me, being a single mother myself, and realizing how very much I would want to die myself, if I lost Jameson. My heart and prayers go out to Kristen as she mourns the loss of her dear, sweet Austin, now in heaven.

This really puts some things in perspective for me. LOVE YOUR KIDS. HUG THEM CLOSE WHENEVER YOU CAN. INSIST ON THE HUG AND KISS, EVEN IN FRONT OF FRIENDS. NURTURE A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH THOSE YOU CARE ABOUT. Because when you lose someone you love, you lose a part of yourself along with them.

I don't question why Austin was taken so young - who am I to question God's plan? I can be angry, though, and shocked over this tragic event. And I can hug Amelia, Jameson, and Hadley closer. And closer. And encourage others to do the same.

Go out and show your love for others. Love them as God loves you - unconditionally and completely. Life is too short to miss the chance to cuddle our children.

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