Friday, March 20, 2009

Vaccinations = Evil

Jameson just recently had a Well Child appointment, where he was the recipient of not 2, not 3, but 4 shots. Needless to say, he wasn't a happy camper, and proceeded to limp the rest of the day, and the next. I'm not too concerned about the fleeting hurt of the shots. However, the residual naughtiness of Jameson, that seems to have manifested since the vaccinations is causing me to pause.

Where did my sweet little angel go?

He's been contrary, argumentative, spazzy, and has been sent to his room and to time out more this week then ever before. Nana couldn't believe it when he called her, "baby" yesterday, and copied her.

Remember this kid?:

His only redeeming quality these last few days is his adorable face, and the fact that he goes to bed early. Otherwise, we might be interested in selling... Through it all, however, he has continued to express his love for me, his dog, and his two cats. He's so full of emotions, but doesn't yet know how to handle them. Wish my kiddo luck. And wish Nana luck the next time he stays at her house!

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