Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chillin' with Nana & Pops

I took these pictures a while ago, but just got them to download. It's Jameson with his Nana and Papa, hanging out on the sofa. Jameson spends every Tuesday and Thursday at the Merritt house; his Grands take him to preschool. It is so awesome how much he loves going over there, and how much he cares for his Nana and Papa. They are an integral part of his life, and that's something he'll remember always.

Just the other day, Jameson heard about something called "Bounce House", where he, of course, must go immediately. He wanted to call Nana and Papa right away, so that they knew he wanted to go, and that they were invited. He even told Nana that she could go on the shark slide (whatever that is). It's touching that Jameson wants his grandparents to be with him during special and fun times.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Cute pics Erin! Grandparents are everything to those little ones!