Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Jameson told me on Sunday night, for no particular reason, that he didn't love me anymore, and that he was going to live with his Granny (on his father's side). He wasn't particularly mad, just didn't want to come inside and eat his dinner. I played along for a little while, but got steadily more upset. I pointed out all of the logical reasons for Jameson to stay home, but he seemed to have an answer for everything:

"Won't you miss me when you're gone?"
"No, Mommy, you can come and see me whenever you want."

"You know, Granny doesn't have a TV. How will you watch your Star Wars movies at her house?"
"On her computer, Mommy."

"You won't be able to go to your daycare, or go to preschool if you live with your Granny."
"Uh huh, Mommy, she'll drive me to school."

"How are you going to take all of your clothes and toys?"
"Granny has toys at her house for me to play with, and I'll just wear this underwear."

"I'm going to live with Granny forever, forever, forever, forever..."
Now, wouldn't that upset you? Like every normal girl I called my mother, Jameson's Nana, for advice. She told me that Ann Landers once said, "Never let a 3-year-old ruin your day." I took this to heart, knowing that he was just testing me, and didn't really know what he was saying. I walked right into the bathroom and said:
"You're my little boy, and you're staying here to live with me. Now get your butt in the tub."
Before he went to sleep that night he said, "Mommy, I love you all the numbers." Now that's what I'm talking about...

1 comment:

Ange said...

Erin, adorable blog you got here. You've got some pretty compelling raw material. Some day, we'll have a competition entitled Who's Kid is Cuter. Yeah, Some Day...maybe...
positive thinking just doesn't seem to do much for the reproductive system...glad to see that the boy is completely, totally normal. You should be worried if he DOESN'T threaten to go live with someone else from time to time!