Friday, August 14, 2009

Chubby Animal Grands

Have I ever mentioned that the Grand Merritts (John and Jane) had a penchant for raising chubby pets? All through my childhood we had several pets who were, ahem, thick in the waist line. There was Emma, the Golden Retriever, who became portly in her old age. Stubby, the tail-less cat who was so fat it was almost beyond belief. And I can't forget Meg, the Australian Shepherd, who had a love of all things edible (and it showed).

It seems that my sisters, for the most part, have avoided this Merritt phenomenon, although Jenna does have an obese Pug named Elvis. Her husband, Rick, says that it's just his winter weight. But it's August. I, however, seem to be carrying on this tradition of pleasantly plump pets with Georgie...

And Hogarth...

These Merritt Grand Pets are large and in charge! Georgie was just at the vet yesterday and weighed in at a whopping 100 lbs. No kidding. She's a black lab. And fat. Despite all this, we love our Chubby Animal Grands, and hope that their veterinarian-imposed weight loss program is a success.

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