Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Binky Fairy

Yesterday the Binky Fairy came to Hadley's house and took all of her binkies (pacifiers) off to other babies who don't have them. Because of this sacrifice to the unfortunate babies in the world, Hadley was allowed to pick out a princess get-up at Target. Due to recent charitable donations, I'm sure Hadley will be a benevolent leader.

Thankfully Hadley had one of her subjects (Amelia) there to help her turn from a little girl into a bona fide princess.

I suppose I should have always know that there was royalty in our family.


Amy Trudeau said...

The royal miss wanted popcorn tonight, but didn't seem to mind that she didn't have a binky. Not one word was spoken! I hope this keeps up!

Kenpo 1 said...

Way to go Amy & Brian, beautiful kids.