Sunday, July 12, 2009


Over the 4th of July, Jameson and I spent a fun and relaxing weekend with Hadley, Ellery, Amy, and Brian. Jamo was very excited to discover that we would be camping, just the two of us, in the Trudeau's pop up camper. In fact, that is where he played for part of that day, in anticipation...

We proceeded to sleep in the pop up - Jameson on one side and I on the other. What we didn't consider is that is was supposed to get down to 55 degrees that night, and we were two Popsicles by morning. But is was worth it. Needless to say, the next night we "camped" in the garage apartment.

Over the weekend Jameson also spent some quality time with Ellery. She thought he was pretty funny.

We had a wonderful time - as family and as friends. It's great to remember that we aren't just siblings and cousins, but that we actually love each other, and like spending time together.

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