Thursday, June 25, 2009

Waving Goodnight

Jameson and I have been up late a lot, driving back and forth from Grand Rapids to work on a production of Woody Guthrie's American Song. Sometimes Jameson sleeps on the way home, but other times we have some very nice conversations, and some quality time together. And while I know that he'll be extra tired in the morning, those late nights are precious.

Last night there were several streetlights that were out, or that turned out right when we passed by. Jameson asked me why the lights were going out, and we discussed blown bulbs, energy saving, etc. Then we talked about how neat it would be to imagine that whenever we saw a streetlight going out, it was NANA SAYING GOODNIGHT TO US. Jamo loved that idea, and expanded it to say that whenever we hear a bird chirp, or a windchime, it was Nana saying hello to us. What a nice and comforting thought, that our beloved Grand is still with us in our hearts, and in every blade of grass.

Poor Jameson was so tired and emotional that he started crying, saying how very much he missed Nana, and that he wished she could come back to him. The only thing that I could do was rub his arm and say, "Me, too."

Later in our trip, as we were coming into Hastings, I noticed that Jameson was waving his arm out the window of the truck. I said, "What are you doing, Buddy?" To which Jamo replied, "I'm waving goodnight to Nana."

Oh, Jameson.


Andrew Courtright said...


Brandi said...

Oh Erin! That is so sweet & so sad!! bless his heart!