Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tongues and Boo Boos

Amelia is at camp for the next three weeks, swimming, horse-back riding, singing, etc., so I'm hoping to have some pictures to post of her very soon. In the meantime, I'll offer up a couple of the most recent Trudeau girls pictures. As many of you know, I think that Hadley is pretty close to perfect, but now she's got a little competition. Ellery Marie is quickly becoming a contender. She's sweet, she's cute, and for the time being, loves her Aunt Erin. Of course, she's only 10 weeks old, so not much can be said for her taste in relatives.

Here's a new pic of Had-e-wee and Ewwery (as Jameson calls them). Watch out, Hads, you might be perfect, but those cheeks on Ello are irresistable!

Recently it's come to attention of the entire family that Hadley is accident-prone. Just like her mother, if there's a bump in the sidewalk, Hadley will trip over it. If there's a hole in the yard, Hadley will step in it. If there's a moving object, Hadley will run into it. The evidence of this tendancy towards clumsiness can be seen in this next photo. Check out her poor legs.

We saw a lot of the Trudeau girls in the first couple weeks of June, and Hadley made sure to show all of her boo boos to us. At one point I even heard her telling her mother, "Mommy, my body hurts!"

You said it, Kid!

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