Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yearly Carnival

We recently braved the carnival at Amelia's elementary school, for the third year in a row. Let me just say, this will be our last year. Even though it was fun to be with the kids and play games, it was an absolute madhouse, and left us dazed and confused. Here's proof...

We were there for a total of two hours, and it truly left us exhausted. Just look at this guy's face.

The best part of the evening, by far, was spending time with Amelia. She is just so smart, friendly, funny, and wonderful. She loves her cousin Jameson, took great care of him, and included him in all her games. She cheered us on when it was our turn, and was genuinely happy when we did well. What a great girl! I'm just proud to know her, and to witness the exceptional kid she's become.

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