Friday, August 28, 2009

A Nose Full of Beans

This is an explanation of a call I received the other day from Amy, telling me all about Hadley and her "bean" incident:

It appears that the Trudeaus have discovered Hadley's love of popcorn, and have been allowing it as a nighttime snack a couple nights a week. Apparently Hadley enjoys popcorn so much, that just eating it isn't enough. Sticking it up her nose is the logical next step, right?

She came to her mother saying, "Mommy, I have a bean up my nose." At first it was assumed that there was an errant booger, and Hadley needed some help to remove it. Then Amy realized there was actually something UP HER NOSE. Becoming bored with just setting the popcorn kernels aside, Hadley decided to stick one up her nose, and proceed to get it stuck. It took a rat-tail comb to extract it.

After the initial "bean" was removed, Hadley claimed that there was still something "up there", and Amy and Brian were scrambling to figure out how to remove it. They couldn't see or feel anything, and were quickly becoming concerned that a trip to the hospital might be in Hadley's future. Where do you turn for advice on removing popcorn kernels from noses? Why, the Internet, of course! Brian discovered that if you plugged the clear side of the child's nose and blow strongly into the child's mouth, the offending object will fly out of the blocked side.

Not so much. The only thing that flew out of Hadley's nose was snot. And she cried. A lot.

It was finally determined that there was nothing left up Hadley's nose (including boogers), and the crisis had been resolved.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh no! Davey was KING of shoving things into orifices. He had a popcorn kernel lodged in his ear, a piece of candy necklace in his nose, and there was another nose incident but I do not remember what the object was. The kernel in the ear was a PIA. Kernels can swell in warm, humid places. It took the ER doc quite awhile to get the kernel out. We use a "snot sucker" (nasal aspirator) to get the candy necklace out.