Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scuba Tub

As any parent knows, there comes a time when your child just DOES NOT WANT TO BATHE. It's true. They would rather wallow in their own filth than get in a nice cool tub on a warm day. However, there are times when Jameson likes to get in the bath, especially when there's a new toy to occupy him. Enter the goggles. Do they keep water off his eyes? No. Do they keep soap from getting on his face? No. Are they super cool and look great? Yes.

Last night Jameson was absolutely hysterical in the tub, yelling that his finger was bleeding. I though maybe he had amputated it somehow, by the way he was carrying on. Much to my surprise (OK, I wasn't that surprised), he happened to have a very small splinter on his pointer. When I say very small, I mean, hardly noticeable to the human eye. To Jameson, it was the size of a 2 x 4 sticking out of his finger.

I took the tweezers to the thing, and I'm pretty sure my neighbors called Child Protective Services from all the screaming. Seriously. I didn't pour hot oil on the child or hang him by his toenails. I just removed a very small splinter.

This morning he was fine, by the way.