Monday, March 2, 2009

Grand Birthday

Jameson turned 4 on March 1! Wow - none of us can believe he's gotten to big, so fast, and the time keeps flying by. All the Grands were together for Jameson's birthday, even Baby X Trudeau, safely in Amy's tummy. Here are some highlights of our celebration.

One thing I feel I should mention. Hadley Jane is a DIVA. Seriously... a loveable, sweet-cheeked DIVA. She is already picking out her wardrobe (she's two), refuses to wear anything that isn't pink, and gives the best "looks" of any kid I know. We were at Applebee's for dinner one night this weekend, and Amy left the table. While she was gone, Papa and I decided to get Hadley to sing with us. We started in on "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", to which Hadley said, "Guys! I'm coloring!". You know she said it in that voice. The one of complete annoyance. Of course, it was priceless.

1 comment:

Heather :) said...

That cake is awesome! My husband would be very jealous! :)