Monday, February 16, 2009

Flex Merritt - R.I.P.

I thought I should bring everyone up to date on the status of Flex and the family goldfish, even though they aren't technically Merritt Grands. Unfortunately, Flex has passed away. We think from eating too many goldfish.

It was pretty sad at the ole' Merritt house for about a week. Flex got a spot on his stomach, which got worse over the week, and he finally perished. Jameson wasn't too upset, though, knowing that Flex wasn't in pain anymore, and now in Heaven with Jesus, Beauregard, and Grandpa.

We are also down to only 2 goldfish.

On a much lighter note, Jameson and I were at the pet store on Saturday and found a new African Clawed Frog. I've never seen one at the pet stores in Hastings, so we think we were meant to have him! Anyway, we brought our new family member home, and christened him Goulash. Don't ask. He's an albino frog, and so far hasn't bothered our algae eater, Buster. I'll try to get a picture of Goulash, as he's quite a handsome devil.

Wish us luck on our new addition - or, better yet, wish him luck!

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