Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Noah's Ark

It's official! The middle Amazing Merritt Grandchild, Jameson John, has started preschool! Mom and Nana dropped him off, and took these pictures. I'm happy to say that neither one of us cried (although I almost did).

All of these milestones; it's so hard to see them grow up, but exciting at the same time. We have many pictures of the Merritt children starting school, and I can remember how thrilled we were to finally be "big kids".
This is Jameson with his friend, Zach. They met in Kindermusik, and have been friends since babyhood. It's great to see them in school together, and comforting to know that they have a friend to keep them company. Jameson and Zach are the only "only child" kids in their class. Hopefully that will be their special bond.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Erin, so CUTE! It IS amazing how fast they grow! I lvoe his little friend! They are so cute as they get older, and develope freindships!