Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Beginnings

Can you believe that Amelia started 2nd grade yesterday? And that Jameson is old enough to play YMCA soccer? I remember holding Amelia when she was just a baby, and listening to Jameson's heartbeat during my pregnancy check-ups! Just imagine how old the Grands must feel, to have Amazing Grandkids that are leaping over such important milestones! Amelia will be riding the bus to school taking care of herself after school, and Jamo chased the ball like a little champ. Jameson is also starting preschool later this month...

Another new beginning is the next addition to the Merritt / Trudeau family. Hadley will be getting a brother or sister in April! Congratulations to Amy and Brian for a job well done. Because of a concern of Amy's, Baby Trudeau got to make his/her debut on ultrasound last week. Everything is WONDERFUL, and the heartbeat was strong and steady. As soon as I can get my hands on the ultrasound picture, it will be posted for all to see. Another child to be loved and cherished right along with the other Amazing Merritt Grands. We can't wait!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Hi Erin- This is great! I love to read blogs too! I will enjoy yours as well. The kids are adorable... bee back soon :)